Motorcycle in New Jersey Amy Smith, October 1, 2022December 12, 2023 The Dangers of Driving a Motorcycle in New Jersey Image Source: Freepik Motorcycles are a popular mode of transportation because they allow people to get places quickly, with less effort than walking or riding in a car. The downside to motorcycles is that they are not relatively as safe as cars and other vehicles. One example is the lack of airbags on motorcycles, which can lead to injuries during accidents. Hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve to move on with your life if you ever face an accident. This article will discuss the dangers of driving a motorcycle in New Jersey. Gravel or Lose Material on The Road Gravel or loose material on the road can significantly contribute to motorcycle accidents and may cause severe injuries if this debris is not removed from the road. Stone or other materials on the road can cause motorcycles to slip and slide across the street, causing them to shake and make noises. When a bike comes into contact with these materials, it may cause tires to be worn down. This can lead to more accidents which could even result in death. Motorcycle Defects Another potential cause of motorcycle accidents is product defects. When a motorcycle has faults, it is more likely to get into an accident. The most common defects include missing or faulty parts, brakes that do not work correctly, and tires that are worn down to the point where they will not allow the bike to be used for safe travels. Tailgating Drivers Tailgating is prohibited in New Jersey because it can be hazardous for motorcycles and other vehicles following behind them. Many people believe that tailgating is permitted if a driver passes another vehicle by one car length, but this can lead to other problems if this gap widens as the cars move farther apart. Vehicles Turning Left When other vehicles are turning left, they can put motorcycles in danger. If a car riding left puts its turn signal on too early and proceeds to make this turn without giving a bike enough time to react and avoid an accident, this could cause serious injuries or even death. Drivers must give motorcycles enough time to respond and prevent this accident. Hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve to move on with your life. Road Hazards Road hazards such as potholes, cracks in the road, loose gravel, or other debris on the road can be dangerous for motorcycles because they are not designed for this type of surface or material. A motorcycle can get stuck in these debris holes or uneven pavement and cause a dangerous situation where no one is truly safe. Roads that have only been patched or poorly repaired may be tiring for vehicles with four wheels and tires larger than dirt bike tires. Speeding Speeding and running red lights significantly contribute to motorcycle accidents in New Jersey and other states. Motorcycles can quickly be overtaken by cars because they are much smaller than most four-wheeled vehicles on the road today. This can make drivers not pay as much attention when speeding through an intersection or even running red lights. In conclusion, motorcyclists should know the dangers they can face when they decide to ride on a motorcycle in New Jersey and their rights when it comes to putting someone else in danger. Failing to do so can lead to serious legal issues. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave Articles Life