The Most Common Types of Birth Injuries You Should Know About Amy Smith, November 18, 2023November 18, 2023 The Most Common Types of Birth Injuries You Should Know About Image source “Having a baby is a life changer. It gives you another perspective on how you wake up every day.” Taylor Hanson coined this statement, and it’s true. Unfortunately, some people experience birth problems that affect both the baby and the parent. Out of 1000 infants born in America, seven of them suffer birth injuries. The trauma caused by birth injuries can be severe, leaving babies with cognitive health issues that require a lifetime of treatment. If your little one has suffered birth injuries, the best course of action is to consult a lawyer. They will provide the necessary legal guide so that you receive fair compensation for all the difficulties you’re going through. Challenges during labor and delivery can cause the baby to suffer oxygen deprivation. Keep reading this article to get a deeper understanding of the common types of birth injuries. Here are the Common Types of Birth Injuries Fractures Throughout the process of childbirth, it’s typical for the collarbone or clavicle to experience fractures. The collarbone may break during breech delivery or when delivering the baby’s shoulder. Additionally, the clavicle fracture causes the baby not to move on the side of the break, although it does not take very long to heal. Facial palsy Facial paralysis happens when excess pressure is applied to the head or neck during birth. The trauma during childbirth causes facial paralysis in newborns. The incorrect use of forceps is also said to be a reason for facial palsy. Symptoms of facial palsy include: The eyelid on the affected side stays open The area below the eyes looks uneven when the baby is crying Mouth looks irregular when crying The affected side does not move Forceps or Bruising Marks Some infants might show indications of bruises on the face and head due to the trauma that they experience when passing through the birth canal and coming into contact with their mother’s pelvic bones and tissues. Also, during delivery, the use of forceps can cause bruises or temporary marks on the baby’s face. For babies who are delivered through vacuum extraction, they may experience a scalp cut (laceration) or bruising on the scalp. Image source The Perinatal Asphyxia Perinatal asphyxia is when there isn’t any blood flow or gas exchange to and from the fetus. It can occur before, during, or after the birthing process. It might cause damage to the baby’s organs and brain. According to the World Health Organization Report (WHO), perinatal asphyxia affects 6-10 newborns out of every 1000 live full-term births. The following can happen as a result of Perinatal asphyxia: 30% chance of death Mild or severe neurological disorders Kidney problems Blood clotting problems Respiratory diseases Early medical intervention reduces the long-term effects. Brachial Palsy Brachial palsy usually occurs when (the brachial plexus) the group of nerves that serves the arms and hands, suffers an injury. The damage occurs during a difficult delivery situation, such as shoulder dystocia. In addition, the baby may experience difficulty using their arms. Movement usually returns in a few months. Nerve tearing is dangerous since it can lead to permanent damage. Furthermore, it is essential to prevent the arm from moving during the healing process. Conclusion The common types of birth injuries, such as facial paralysis, fractures, perinatal asphyxia, forceps, or bruising marks, lead to various factors. If you or someone you know has encountered these injuries, consult an experienced birth injury lawyer. They will provide the assistance victims need to punish the liable party and make sure your little one is moving on the path to normalcy. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave Life