PLEASE, Put Me In Time Out! Amy Smith, April 23, 2021April 23, 2021 Mom Needs a Time Out Sometimes a mom just needs a break! All moms but ESPECIALLY stay at home moms. Yes, I love my job as a mother. It’s all I ever wanted to do in life but it can be an extremely overwhelming CONSTANT. With very little alone time and a lot of wondering if you are doing things right. I put my kids in time out and sometimes am a little jealous that THEY are getting the time out! haha! It gets overwhelming at times when day in and day out I can’t even go to the bathroom without a knock on the door or worse, an intruder! You have been there, haven’t you? I think every time I get ready in the morning, I have at least one person in the bathroom with me as I apply my makeup, brush my teeth and fix my hair. When I DO shut the door, it isn’t long before I hear a knock. Mom, you in there? Mom, what are you doing? Hey mom, are you almost done? Mom, can I come in? When I ask if they need something the response is normally “No, I was just wanting to come in”. There are even times when I will be in the shower and my husband will be in the kitchen but they STILL call ME to come to help them with something IN the kitchen! I am glad my children love me and love time with me but, you know, sometimes a mom just needs 5 minutes to decompress…. a break from hearing my special name (Mom) over and over LITERALLY all day long! What do you do for a few minutes to yourself? I asked a few of my friends and here were their answers. Free or Cheap Ideas For Moms Needing a Time Out Spend time reading alone in the bedroom Downtown window shopping Barnes & Noble to read/browse WITH coffee Walk around Hobby Lobby, Marshalls, or Target Lay on the floor with feet up, headphones in while listening to music Find a place in town to just sit with my thoughts A bath with a good book, bath bomb, and a candle Drive around and sing my heart out Exercise Knit, crochet, or crafts Walk the dog Reading a book on the Kindle Thrift store shopping Working on projects Dance Scrolling on social media Meet friends for coffee Watch TV Go to the library Journaling Listening to music Puzzles Video games Comment below what YOUR favorite FREE or cheap things you do when you just need a little time away! Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave Articles Encourage My Heart breakmomstay at home momsthings to dotime out