Natural Disaster Preparations Steps Amy Smith, February 25, 2022February 24, 2022 Natural Disaster Preparations The problem with disaster safety plans is that people rarely ever think of them until a disaster happens, by which time it’s too late, of course. You don’t have to let that happen to you though, by doing some creative thinking you can put together a plan for disaster safety for you, your family, or even your extended family. The best way to create a disaster safety plan is to start with your immediate surroundings, i.e. your home. What you do is get out a clipboard with paper on it and then start writing down all the terrible things that could happen, such as fire, flood, earthquake, a tree falling on your house, etc. If you have trouble thinking of all the things that could happen, all you need to do is search on the Internet. Then, once you’re satisfied that you have written down everything that could happen, start writing down what you think you should do in each instance. For example, if there is a fire in your home, there are pretty good instructions from professional people on the Internet telling you what are the best things to do, most of which tell you to try to get everyone out of the house and then call the fire department, which is the obvious stuff. What might not be so obvious is how to accomplish that if there is a fire in the house. What if, for example, there is a fire downstairs and you are all sleeping upstairs? If you make rope ladders for each room (that are already tied to something inside) all you have to do is open a window, toss out the ladder and climb down. It might not hurt if you were to rehearse this whole thing as well so that everyone is on the same page if a fire does start. These are the kinds of things you need to put into your plan. Again, there are literally thousands of websites out there with ideas like this, all you have to do is look them up, and then write them down on your own disaster safety plan. Do this for every conceivable emergency in your home and then go over them all with everyone that lives in your home. The next thing to do is to move your circle of awareness a little wider. What would you do if your town were to become flooded for example, or if there was a fire or explosion that damaged major parts of your suburb or town? Where would you meet up? Again, a lot of people have put a lot of thought into this sort of thing, like telling people to have several contacts that live and work outside of your area so that you’ll all know who to contact to find each other if separated due to an emergency. Or maybe suggesting that you always keep extra food in the house in case getting new stuff becomes impossible for a while, and this includes water and the means for making bad water drinkable. The best way to be prepared that I have found is to have a natural disaster survival bag on hand that comes equipped with everything you may need during a natural disaster. Having everything already in a backpack allows you to be ready to “grab and go” which is extremely important in a natural disaster event. Sometimes you can stay in your home, other times, you may need to get out quickly. You may be able to purchase enough food and water in preparation for being stuck in your home during a hurricane but then what will you do if you need to escape to the attic quickly during a flash flood? You will need a disaster kit to bring to the attic with you in a hurry. List of What You Should Pack in an Emergency Bag: A flashlight Extra batteries First Aid kit including supplies for blisters, snake bites, and insect stings A whistle to signal for help A blade such as a pocket knife or multi-tool Matches in a waterproof container Canned food and a manual can opener Bottled water Cash in small denominations A map of the area Compass A multi-purpose tool such as a Swiss Army Knife Garbage bags for personal sanitation Baby wipes for personal hygiene Tissues Cell phone and charger Radio and batteries Emergency contact information laminated and stored in a waterproof container Pet supplies if you have a pet A backpack to carry it all in! The best way to be prepared for any emergency is to have a disaster safety plan. This includes knowing what could happen, what you should do in each instance, and having a bag packed and ready to go with everything you may need. This way, no matter what happens, you will be prepared. Conclusion You can’t, of course, account for every conceivable thing that could go wrong, and it might be that if a disaster occurs things could happen that you didn’t think of or just couldn’t do, but for the most part, if you have a good disaster plan, things will almost certainly go better for you and your family than if you don’t. Connect with My Four and More on Social Media! FACEBOOK | TWITTER | YOUTUBE | INSTAGRAM | PINTEREST Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave Life campingdisasterearthquakeEmergencyemergency baghikinghurricane
Very good topic! This is very important & information such as this is invaluable. Its so important to be prepared!
This is so important i saw a kitchen fire on two occasions and it happens so fast you don’t even have time to think! Its very important to be mentally as well as physically prepared! We use an agency called Alta Regional and they also encourage us to have a survival backpack! We actually got evacuated from the town we were in it was on the news nationally because they feared that the run off on our dam would break in Marysville CA very scary time for all of us evacuating. But we made it. Thank God. Great topic! Love that you keep this an open discussion we need that it could really help someone!
it doesnt matter where u live we all can use this info in case of a disaster its a great pc thanks a bunch for the refresher