Is it Safe For Newborns to Sleep In a Bouncer? Amy Smith, October 17, 2022November 19, 2023 Is it Safe For Newborns to Sleep In a Bouncer? Image Source: Freepik Over the years, parents have come up with many different ways to help their newborn children sleep. But are bouncers safe? Not all of them are, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, which recently issued a warning about some of the dangers associated with bouncer use by newborns and infants. According to this article, what’s actually dangerous about bouncers, and how can you make sure you aren’t putting your newborn at risk? Read on to find out! What is a bouncer? Bouncers are seats that rock or bounce back and forth. They’re usually used for infants and young children who can’t yet sit up on their own. A bouncer can help calm an upset child, soothe them to sleep, or help them fall asleep more easily. Typically constructed from fabric stretched over a metal frame, the seat is lined with foam padding and may have head supports and arm rests for extra comfort. The bottom of the seat usually has three wheels that allow the user to maneuver the seat around easily without having to carry it in their arms. Some models may be folded such as the Ergobaby Evolve which makes them even easier to transport from room to room or when traveling out of town. What is the appeal of the bouncers? Bouncers can be used for many purposes, including as a way to give your newborn some fresh air while keeping them contained. Some parents also use bouncers as an alternative place to sleep when they are too exhausted or just not feeling up for the task of holding their baby all night long. These are both excellent reasons for using a bouncer; however, there is one thing that you should be aware of before doing so: safety. Many new and expecting parents think it’s okay to put their babies in a bouncer after they fall asleep during feeding time, but that’s where the problem lies. The reason this is considered unsafe is because many babies will not stay asleep once placed in a bouncer. It might only take a few minutes before they wake back up and cry again–especially if they startle themselves awake by grabbing on to something like dangling toys on the side of the sleeper. How do you choose a bouncer for your newborn? The best way to find the best bouncer for your newborn is by following this checklist: What’s the bouncer made out of? Any material that will come in contact with your baby should be hypoallergenic and free of toxic chemicals. Look for natural materials like cotton, bamboo, or wool. How small is the bouncer? Make sure you have enough space in your home so that you can get the bouncer where you need it to be. The smaller the better! How heavy is the bouncer? You want something lightweight but sturdy enough so that it doesn’t tip over when your baby is playing in it. It should also include safety features such as a seatbelt. Lastly, make sure the bouncer folds up easily so you can store it away quickly when not in use! Benefits of sleeping in a bouncer Sleeping in a bouncer is beneficial for many reasons. It helps your baby stay upright so he or she doesn’t have to sleep with their head turned awkwardly. It also helps them keep track of what’s going on in the room so they don’t get startled by sudden sounds or movements. Plus, babies love being able to see what’s going on around them. When they’re first born, babies can only focus up close, but they gradually get better at focusing farther away as they grow older and spend more time awake each day. They might not be able to focus on anything too far away when they’re first born, but sleeping in the bouncy chair keeps them upright and gets them ready for exploring their surroundings as soon as they start sitting up without support! Remember to transfer baby to their bassinet or crib once they have fallen asleep or are drowsy. Never leave your baby unattended in their bouncer. Safety Tips To Ensure The Baby’s Safety While Sleeping In A Bouncer Here are some basic safety rules to remember when using the bouncer: Place the bouncer on a flat, even surface on the ground. If you are using sheets, make sure they fit snugly so that the baby does not slip through. Do not use any additional blankets for warmth or padding. And do not place anything under the bouncers feet as this will cause them to rock back and forth. However, if you’re just using the bouncer to help you rock baby to sleep, you should use one of your muslin baby blankets while picking them up so that you can keep them cozy as you transfer them to their bassinet or crib. This helps to minimize the startle response. If you have any concerns about your baby’s safety while in the bouncer, speak with your doctor immediately. Never let baby sleep in the bouncer. The bouncer should be used as an aid to help you rock them to sleep. A bouncer can be an excellent place for your newborn to sleep. The baby will be able to sleep and relax in their own space, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing they’re safe and comfortable as long as they’re next to you. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave Life Parenting Tips babybouncernewbornSafetysleep