Getting Your Body Ready For Summer-Tips Amy Smith, March 31, 2024March 31, 2024 Although it is only spring, it is never too early to start getting in shape for summer, in fact, the sooner the better! Giving yourself the most amount of time will give you more leeway to meet your goal. Whether you are wishing to look your best in your swimsuit to spend your time poolside this summer, or just looking to be in better shape during the warmer months, there are many things you can start doing now to help yourself feel “summer-ready”. Cardio and Consistent Exercise Getting your heart rate up will not only help you to lose weight but will be so beneficial to your body in so many ways, especially your heart. It is an anti-aging method that many people use to stay healthy long-term. If your weight loss goal is to look and feel your best for the summer, you will want to start exercising right away. Cardio will help you to burn excess calories, while weight lifting will help to tone your muscles, as well as help to burn calories easier when doing cardio. The two- weight lifting and cardio should go hand in hand, make sure to practice doing both. The more you focus on the entire body, the more you will end up helping your problem areas. It is impossible to target problem spots specifically, but a whole-body approach will help those areas. Healthy Eating Habits Begin by meal planning and preparing. Plan out what you will be eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as any snacks. If you have a plan, then you will be able to begin a grocery list. Prepare the meals ahead of time, that way time and convenience do not become an excuse for you. Plan to eat as much protein as you can as well as vegetables. Try your best to limit refined sugars and processed foods. Make sure to stay as hydrated as possible during the day. Sun Protection To prepare for the high UV rays that summer brings, it would be smart to get into the habit of sun protection, although you may want to slowly get your time in the sun to get a nice base tan, that way when the summer hits, you can avoid harsh burns. If you are very fair, especially due to the winter, make sure you start out slowly, one minute at a time, and then practice using sun protection so that you can protect your skin. Goal Setting To track your progress, you will first need to establish what your goals are. Try writing them out and set them someplace that you are constantly reminded of them, like your bathroom mirror, the back of your phone, or a notebook that you use at work or school. This will help you to keep your goals focused as well as be a constant reminder to continue and keep pushing forward. Being reminded of them will help you when you are tempted to give in or do something that does not align with progress. Once your goals are established, you can then begin to set up specific times to exercise into your routine. If there is not a designated time, it will be easy to push it off or not be able to make the time needed. Consult A Weight Loss Professional If you need extra support or guidance, consulting a Weight Loss Idaho Falls professional will be able to direct you with what will help your specific body type. Everyone’s body and needs are unique, and a blanket approach may not be the thing that your body needs. A professional may be able to detect what your body may be lacking or deficient in and will help fast-track your progress for success. Image Source: Freepik Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave Beauty Fashion Health