Explaining the Tough Stuff to Your Adopted Children Amy Smith, December 22, 2017December 21, 2022 Deep Conversations With Adopted Children Adoption is not for the weak at heart. I know this because we live it. I love my children more than they know and the blessing of adoption really is a blessing to both us AND the kids. Along with the blessing comes hard conversations. Adopted children have their own fair share of questions about their identity that we as parents are to help guide them through. This in itself is one big reason we chose open adoption for both of our boys. My daughter is a different story. Since we chose to adopt our daughter through DSS, we do not have the contact with the birth family the way that we do with our boy’s birth families. The questions have been great with the boys and our daughter but it has just been different for a whole lot of reasons with our daughter. Girls talk a lot in general so the comments and questions have spilled out from her little mouth more often than our boys. She also does not have contact with her birth parents. We do keep in touch with her siblings which does help. Thirdly, she is a different race than the rest of our family. Being Hispanic in a Caucasian stands out even to a four-year-old. Since she was three or so, she would make little comments about Mommy being grey (her thoughts on my skin color… NOT my hair color ha!) and she is brown. Explaining differences to a four year (let alone a three-year-old) has been difficult but is extremely necessary. I am thankful for our Educational Insights Dolls that have helped us to explain the difference in our races. Taking care of a white and brown doll (as she calls them) have made her see that she can love them both the same even when they look different! That is the greatest message we could ever send to her little brain. Regardless of the difference in her looks and nationality, we love her just as much! Her skin color does not make her less loved or an oddball in our family. Skin color is just that. Skin. Nothing else! About Educational Insights Baby Doux Dolls I absolutely LOVE that Educational Insights has four different baby dolls with different skin colors. It sure has helped us in sending a strong message to our baby girl! The different dolls available include: African American Asian Caucasian Hispanic Every time my daughter walks by with one of her Baby Duox Dolls, a sweet vanilla smell follows. These dolls smell absolutely AMAZING! They are 12 inches and totally machine washable! YES! That is a definite perk when it comes to how much this girl is bringing her babies out ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE with her! You know, you can’t leave your baby home all by themselves so they have to go to the grocery store and on all car rides! 🙂 Are they (all three of them) not the most adorable thing?! Connect on Social Media FACEBOOK | TWITTER | YOUTUBE | INSTAGRAM | Pinterest Check out our Holiday Product Guide! Connect with My Four and More on Social Media! FACEBOOK | TWITTER | YOUTUBE | INSTAGRAM | PINTEREST Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave Adoption Reviews adoptiondolldollseducational insightsreview
These dolls are just awesome. It is so important that we teach our children that skin color does not matter. Adopting a child is such an awesome thing to do no matter where they are from. It takes a special person to do this. Thank you for sharing this great article. God Bless