Diagnosis of Aldosteronism Amy Smith, October 10, 2022December 12, 2023 What to Do with a Diagnosis of Aldosteronism Image Source: Freepik What is Aldosteronism? Aldosteronism is a condition in which there is too much Aldosterone secreted into your system. Aldosterone is a corticosteroid that regulates the absorption of sodium in the kidneys and regulates the balance of water and sodium. If this is not regulated, it can lead to high blood pressure. This condition is also called Conn’s Syndrome and Primary Hyperaldosteronism. Aldosteronism has two major types, the first one is called Primary Hyperaldosteronism. This is caused by growths on each adrenal gland and is called bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. It can also be caused by a tumor on the outside of the adrenal gland that produces aldosterone, a tumor that is cancerous that is on the adrenal gland and is releasing aldosterone, or possibly a genetic condition that is called hyperaldosteronism type 1. The second type is called Secondary Hyperaldosteronism and is caused by a problem in your body that creates too much of the aldosterone hormone. This is not caused by issues with the adrenal glands, instead, it can be caused by a variety of issues. This could be caused by a tumor that creates renin, heart failure, pregnancy, liver disease, narrowing of the arteries in the kidneys, loss of fluids, or shock. There are a few symptoms of Hyperaldosteronism, including headaches, dizziness, blurry vision, and heart problems. This condition can also cause your body to be low in potassium which causes other symptoms such as tingling, numbness, the paralysis that is temporary, some weak muscles, and cramps. It can also cause issues with fluids and electrolytes which causes symptoms such as peeing more often, waking up at night to pee, always being thirsty, and feeling dizzy and weak. There are also people who have no symptoms at all with this condition. There are a few different types of tests that you can do to determine if you have aldosteronism. To get a diagnosis of aldosteronism, you will need to do some of these tests. You can do a blood test that checks your levels of potassium, aldosterone, and renin. You could also do a urine test to see if there is if your pee contains too much potassium. You can also have a saline infusion that requires you to take a sodium tablet over a three-day period and then check the amount of aldosterone in your pee. The other way to do this test is to have a four-hour infusion of intravenous saline and then check your urine afterward. You can also have imaging tests done to see if there are any tumors or growths that are causing adrenal issues. This is done with CT scans by the CT technicians and other imaging that can show these things. Another way to test this is with adrenal vein sampling, a test that is usually done before surgery. This is usually done if the imaging tests were not that clear. One more test that the doctor can do is genetic testing to see if you have a family history of aldosteronism. There are a few different treatments for aldosteronism that your doctor will recommend for you. These include surgery, medications, treatment of underlying conditions, and making lifestyle changes. You will need to get with your doctor to see which of these treatments would be best for you. The first treatment could be surgery that would remove any tumors or growths through laparoscopic surgery. You could also treat this with medications such as eplerenone or spironolactone. See here to learn more about eplerenone: https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a603004.html. Your doctor might begin by treating any underlying conditions with medications or surgery. You might need to make some lifestyle changes such as avoiding alcohol and tobacco, weight loss, exercise, or dietary changes. There are many risks associated with aldosteronism that you also need to be aware of. These risks include heart attack or stroke, heart disease and heart attacks, kidney disease, peripheral artery disease, vascular dementia, aortic aneurysm, or even death. You will want to seek treatment as early as you can to prevent these risks. Other risks could be due to the low levels of potassium in your body. These risks include paralysis, excessive urination, constipation, insulin issues, and diabetes. To learn more about low potassium levels in your body, you can look at this website. If you have any of these conditions, you will need to speak to your doctor to rule out aldosteronism. Remember that this article is not a doctor’s advice, you will need to speak to your doctor for any diagnosis and treatment that you need. This article will just allow you to question your doctor about this condition if you have any of the signs that are mentioned. If you do have any of the symptoms, please call your doctor as soon as you can. It could end up saving your life and leading you to a healthier life. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave Health Life aldosteronealdosteronismCT scanintravenous salinepotassiumreninsaline infusionurine test