Bookroo Children’s Book Subscription Amy Smith, March 1, 2018 Bookroo Children’s Book Subscription Lights Up a Child’s Eyes and Mind What child (or adult for that matter) doesn’t love Christmas? I always enjoy the excitement of my little girl, now four as she runs in and sees her gifts. Then as she begins to unwrap each one, the excitement only builds! What if you could give that type of excitement EVERY month throughout the year? Bookroo offers the ability to do just that! With a monthly subscription, Bookroo will send your child new books each month. Not only will they receive new books but also come cutely wrapped to add a special touch and excitement for your child. In addition, as a parent you are free to cancel your subscription at any time! Each month, depending on age, your child will receive either two or three books. For infants and toddlers up to two and a half years old, they will receive three board books. These board books are safe and more durable than other books to be able to handle the extra wear and tear that those little fingers can sometimes put on them. For those two and a half to six years old will receive some of the cutest picture books you could imagine. You will find that though you are reading to your child, truth be told, you will both get quality time and tons of enjoyment from these amazing books. As a mom, there are two things I really appreciate about Bookroo. The first is the effort that they put in to ensure they send books your children will enjoy. While everyone is aware of many of the classics, Bookroo strives to find some of the phenomenal hidden gems that are available. Each book is reviewed by a panel of 12 families and their 22 children that attend Stanford University. Each book is rated on a seven point scale and only the top rated books make it into Bookroo boxes and the hands of your child! The other BIG question I had was since we have already been working on building our daughter’s library, what if Bookroo sends us a book we already own? I was amazed by the simple, yet so thoughtful, solution. In the event you receive a duplicate, just take a photo of your child giving it to someone else, submit it to Bookroo and they will give you a $5 off your next monthly subscription! A win win for everyone! It has been well noted the benefits of reading to children in the early years and stages of their life. It helps them learn and encourages word, color, and shape recognition as well as other language skills. Bookroo offers a fresh and exciting way to energize your child’s desire to read, grow their own personal library, and engage their imaginations for years to come! Connect on Social Media FACEBOOK | TWITTER | INSTAGRAM | Pinterest Connect with My Four and More on Social Media! FACEBOOK | TWITTER | YOUTUBE | INSTAGRAM | PINTEREST Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave Reviews birthdaybook subscriptionBooksgiftmonthly booksreview