WAHM Blogging Tips for New Bloggers Amy Smith, August 23, 2023March 14, 2024 Blogging is a great opportunity for a WAHM who wants to contribute to her family. However, that does not mean that it is easy to make money from your blog. Don’t get disappointed if you don’t see money rolling in immediately. Blogging is an activity that will take time to build up to a profit level. It’s a good thing to start while you are working on other Wahm opportunities to let it build to a profitability level. With time and attention, your blog (or blogs) will grow into a business. Presentation When you are blogging for profit, you’ll want to pay close attention to how you present yourself in your blog. There are literally hundreds of thousands of blogs out there, and there may be several hundred blogs that are related to your topic. If your readers can’t understand your blog and have trouble reading it, they’ll just move on to the next one. The following tips can make your blog more user-friendly and help you gain consistent readers. Accuracy Proofread your entries before you post them to your blog. There is nothing that reduces your authority in the eyes of your readers more than bad spelling and grammar. The online world is a world of text, so take some time to learn commonly misspelled words and grammatical errors. New Content Keep your blog fresh and interesting by posting at least once per day. With so much information available on the Internet, your readers may go elsewhere if you aren’t supplying daily content. If you aren’t sure what to write about, try posting a poll, a link to another blog, comment on a news story or post a list of helpful tips. Increase Traffic To increase your number or readers, be sure to up your game. You can do this by asking friends and family to like, comment, and share any blog posts you share on social media. Start with those closest to you to gain readership. The more people you have reading, the higher your Alexa score and Google ranking will be. Generate giveaways to reach out beyond your circle. Offering giveaways creates a lot of extra traffic and excitement on your blog. You can also reach readers through paying for advertising. Get to know other bloggers in different blooging networks. Ask them if you could do a guest posts on their blog and then linking to your own blog within the blog post. These tips will help keep your blog readable and interesting to your visitors. The more visitors you get, the more your blog will grow in profitability and importance. Just make sure to present yourself in a professional way and keep your readers coming back for more new content each day. In no time, you’ll have a profitable blog and will have to add writers to increase your staff! Image Source: Freepik Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave Articles bloggerBloggingtipsWAHM