When Americans Throws a Temper Tantrum Amy Smith, January 21, 2017January 15, 2024 Tantrums Are Obviously Not Just Something Kids Do! Image by Freepik Have you ever been walking in a grocery store, minding your own business, when suddenly you come up to a child pitching an absolute fit in the middle of the grocery aisle? I have often heard a mom tell a child no to something, and the child falls out on the floor, screaming and crying. Sometimes, there will be a child sitting and throwing a temper tantrum in the cart while hatefully yelling and throwing objects out of the cart to prove their point. How about your kids (or if you do not have children, I am sure you have been to friends’ or families’ homes when their children get mad)? I have even seen children take a swing at mom, dad, or playmates because they weren’t getting their way. Those are grounds for punishment. What do you do? First, I typically wonder, “What in the world just happened?!”. Then I think, “It doesn’t even matter what happened…. but this kid needs to get their act together!”. Sometimes, I get aggravated. Sometimes I judge myself or the child’s mom, wondering why their (or my) child thinks they can act that way. Haven’t they learned that is NOT the way to handle things to get their way?! Have you seen instances like this? What about the thoughts that that child has lost their absolute mind? Have you been annoyed by hearing and seeing an all-out temper tantrum? I am SURE you thought to yourself… “Oh, poor kid, I feel bad for him that he is throwing things or hitting…. maybe I should give them what they want. They deserve it!” YEAH RIGHT!!! NO, THEY DO NOT DESERVE ANYTHING but the consequences for acting that way! Are You Letting Your Kids Think Tantrums Are OK Depending on the Circumstances? Then let me ask why so many people think the rioters and protesters are right. I am not talking about a peaceful protest. I am talking about the ones we have seen more and more. Riots are breaking out because of angry Americans who just want their way! If you would not congratulate your child for that behavior, what mixed messages are you sending to your children and grandchildren by standing behind all the madness. Disagreeing with political views is one thing, but when it turns hateful, spiteful, damaging to people or property… you might want to question if that is working to change any minds. When my children throw tantrums, it sure doesn’t make me want to give them anything. I have become stricter with them, and they have many restrictions put into place. Image by Freepik Stand For Right Not For Rights Regardless if you are black, white, democrat, republican, gay, straight, atheist, or Christian… you have NO “right” to be hateful. I believe in standing up for your beliefs, but there is a proper way of taking a stand. Slamming others and rioting are NOT taking a stand. That’s when it crosses from taking a stand to being hateful. So, think twice before making HATEFUL comments on social media. Stand up for what is right… not “people’s rights.” Your child is a human with rights, too, but you sure don’t give them the “right” to hit you, break a window in your house, bash in a TV, or fall to the floor kicking and screaming simply because they don’t like your decision as a parent. Just because you are an adult with solid beliefs does not exempt you from loving and treating others with respect, regardless if their views align with yours! Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave Articles Encourage My Heart angerpoliticsriotstantrums